A Division of Mountian States Free-mo (MSF)
Thank you for your interest in Free-mo, an exciting innovation in modular railroading.
Utah Free-mo has been pushing the envelope of realistic model railroading in a modular format for over 20 years. Over that time we have setup numerous layouts at shows in Utah and participated in Free-mo layouts around the region. Because of size constraints at local shows and because of changes in the group’s membership, we do not participate in every Utah train show we would like.
However, our members continue to setup their modules at local private events, and with other groups around the region.
Our full calendar, information on past events, and membership info are Top Right of each page. Be sure to check back for more information and updates about our activities.
Utah Free-mo is a group of like-minded modelers striving to increase our skills, and promote the hobby of “prototypical” model railroading in a modular format using the HO Free-mo standards. It is not a traditional club. Membership is free and Group is open to those who share and are committed to our goals and philosophy. For more information, please see membership or email Mike Nelson.
If we can be of help or answer any questions please feel free to ask. Utah Free-mo is committed to promoting the hobby of Model Railroading!